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: post by The_Day_of_the_Rope at 2003-05-28 19:39:24
Well, first off, about Palestine.......200 years of Roman Catholic Crusades couldnt displace the Palestinians from the land. But Israeli's, backed by the worlds only superpower, the US, and its taxpayers money, have done a great job of displacing, oppressing, and occupying Palestinians and the land theyve fought for and defended for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years. See, Jews will never fight if there is even the most minute chance of losing. Jews, throughout history, have not defended the very land they lay claim to, like the Palestinians have. Wait, the "jews" have their incursions, raids, and invasions. History proves this. Please, no weak pathetic argument and/or defense of the Jews on this issue. There is no way out, but through the "jew".

Secondly, approx. 90% of todays International Jews are not even direct descendents of Jews from biblical Israel, they are Hittites or "Khazars", from the kingdom of Khazaria. They are predominantly brachycephalic, or "broad-headed". The Semites of Arabic origin are
invariably dolichocephalic, or "long-headed". What these studies tell us, is not to be inclined to associate the racial origins of the
Jews with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, or Khazars of Khazaria, whose broad skulls and curved noses they appear to have inherited. The evidence against the claims made by todays so called "Jews" continues to mount. Decades of scientific studies have PROVEN this factual. Sephardic Jews on the other hand, might be the only "Jews" with a rightful claim (if going by biblical scripture and writings, as all Jews do) to land in Israel. Now I know some will deem it necessary to argue with scientific fact, but really, if we have no science, we have nothing. So please spare me the spin and the jewish psychology on this issue as well. But something interesting for you...

Revelation 2.9 - I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, but thou are rich and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Now this is very intriguing, to say the least. Any pea-brain knows that Jesus, although a Jew, was the biggest critic of the Jews. The money tables in the temples, the unfair treatment of the harlots, the carpenters, the sick, the poor, etc., etc., by the rulers and rabbi's. Jesus was put to death because he resisted Jewish temple rule. Also because he preached the works of Abraham (see John), and did so accordingly. The New Testament speaks of things the Jews wish to erase from time. This explains why Jews are so adiment about disregarding it, because it spells it all out. Also, the Jews take full credit for the killing of Jesus (see the Talmud, where P. Pilote is never even mentioned). Jesus was one of the most outspoken critics of the jews to ever live. So if Jesus warns of people who say they are "Jews" and are not, wouldnt the scientific studies, in reality, make for some pretty interesting evidence against today's so-called "jews" and the outrageous claims they make? Makes one think now doesnt it? It's very interesting. But most brainwashed people who dont read or educate themselves, believe that Christianity is a "friend" to Judaism, but in fact, it is not. This explains why Christians are so cowardly when attacked by Jews and Rabbi's. Jews would do away with the New Testament if they could, as well as the Old. The Talmud (although there are 2 Talmuds, the Jerusalem and Babylonian) takes precedence over the Old Testemant. "jews" of today are a race-cult, and it means more to a "jew" to be jewish, than it does say, you to be European. Thats because jews are preserving their ancestory and heritage, beliefs and ways of life, and building an isolated jewish nationalist state called Israel, while White's (anglo's/gentiles) wither away with the help of jews. Jews wish to destroy the western/european ways and beliefs. Not all jews have an agenda, nobody could ever make that claim or prove it. But most jews will most certainly pick another jew before they pick you, White man. Jewish nationalism and racism is ok, but when White's want to stay to their own and get their own, its "racism", or "bigotry", or "hate".

There are also many, many other things that can make one wonder about today's "Jew". Here's a few....

We are originally told that we are going to war with Iraq because they disobey the UN. But Israel has disobeyed 10 times as many UN resolutions, for 5 times as long. Makes you wonder. Then we (well, our Government), disobeys the UN and goes to war anyway. Does this make sense? Please people, think. You must think about these things. the Jewish lobby for power and the campaign contributions from jews and jewish corporations is so great, that our Government now folds under the pressure. Our forefathers would spit in the faces of the Bush's, Clinton's, Sharon's, and the like. This is unacceptable greed, and it must be dealt with in the harshest possible manner. Wake up, and stand up Gentile, put an end to the jewish senate. Put an end to jewish influence. Put an end to Zionism. It is rotting the land that your forefathers and ancestors built and died for. This country is built on the backs OUR anglo-european/gentile ancestors, not "god's chosen people". I refuse to fight for jews. I refuse to die for jews. Wake up, or die.

The U.S. was founded on the principle that majority rules, yet most federal and state programs are largely the result of minority pressure. A country which spent 50 years trying to defeat Communism (a jewish invention) and Marxism (a jewish invention) has itself become Communist and Marxist in many ways. In the U.S.S.R., criticism of the Communists (mostly jewish) was not allowed, and in the U.S. and Europe today, criticism of the of jews is not allowed. You can be jailed for being critical of jews. If not jailed, you will be hushed, shunned, ridiculed by your own people, and cast out as "racist", "mentally ill" and an "enemy". Your job taken, your life ruined. All because you raise the Jewish Question. (the people you cant criticize in any society are the real rulers of that society).

Even though the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are a "fake", meant to frame jews and make them look bad, for some inexplicable reason, most of what the Protocols suggest about how to undermine, overthrow, and destroy a society has happened in America.

White's telling jokes about "jews" is strictly taboo (as to not hurt their feewin's, wouldnt wanna do that), yet any jokes that defame or belittle White Southerners, hillbillies, Poles, dumb blondes, and "White trash" are kosher. Ridicule your own people, and help them destroy your race and your indentity, and wipe away the history & accomplishments of your ancestors, but they are off limits. Jews are off limits.

Members of mostly Jewish-led groups who claim to be "peace lovers," such as the A.R.A., use violence and terrorist tactics against "neo-nazis" while screaming "stop the hate."

Blacks (African tribes) enslaved their own people, yet White's who only traded in African slaves who had either been enslaved by blacks or were born into slavery are accused of actually enslaving them. Jews who profit from these lies the most are the ones who created the slave market demand in America. Greedy blacks in Africa and Jewish ship owners enslaved blacks solely for profit, and reaped the most rewards. (See where first Jewish owned slave ships docked, and where first Synagogue in America was built. Coincidence? Do the research, find out for yourself). Jews invented slavery. See approx. 200 B.C.. Another gift from the jews, along with communism and marxism, amongst other negative things.

Many police try to avoid arresting blacks, and other special minority groups, because they are afraid to be charged with "racial profiling" (see Seattle riots). Another example of why races can't live together in harmony. Cant. Never will. (See 1965 Immigration Act, passed with the help of heavy jewish influence and pressure). Open the flood gates. Allow minority races to assimilate with White's, in order to wreak havoc and destroy western culture and ways. This is the jewish formula that has been tried for centuries. They have a proven negative impact on any and all host nations they have invaded. Like Gypsies with brains, they travel through lands, they are parasites and aliens of their host nations, but they find ways to assimilate as well (name-changing, lies, deception, wealth). In every way, whether it be TV, papers, magazines, movies, art, etc., they poison the host nation and its people's minds. Reasons being why they have recieved the proverbial BOOT from almost every nation they have schiestered and shylocked. (See "Shylock", a negative jew character by Shakespeare in "Merchant of Venice", if i remember correctly. Mr. Shakespeare was one of the many, many....countless world-renowned, well respected Gentile's that were aware of, and critical of jewish behavior. Mr. Shakespeare raised the jewish question, and actually spoke out against and wrote about it, and for that, to this day jews still try to ban his writings. IF JEWS CAN BAN ANYTHING, THEN WHY CANT WE BAN JEWS???).

If gentile writings about the Holocaust, racial inequality, Jewish involvement in Communism, or National Socialism are all works of fiction tantamount to U.F.O. abductions and Bigfoot stories in their veracity, then why do the Jews work so hard to ban or censor it? In my opinion Jewish attempts at censorship substantiate what we're doing. If what we were saying would never really stand up because it lacks factuality and credibility, then they'd leave it alone because it would only be very few crackpots that would believe any of it, just like U.F.O. abductions. The truth is that Jews know and are afraid that our people will hear the truth and change their views accordingly.

White Americans, thinking they were fighting a war against the greatest enemy humanity had ever known, the German National socialists (Nazi's), to allegedly save Poland and the world from the Germans, only succeeded in giving half of Europe to the jewish-led Communists and saved the real threat to world peace, the jews. After fighting and defeating the anti-Communist government of Germany in WW2 and turning over half of Germany to the Communists, the U.S. had the nerve to claim they were anti-Communist, just like the Germans! Figure that out!



Citizens of any nation around the world would REJOICE if they were to hear that their nation's number of dead from some natural disaster or war had been reduced to only a quarter or even less than the millions that had previously been thought to have died. Concerning the Holocaust, Jews don't rejoice, they become HYSTERICAL. Think about it. Its all starting to fall into place now isnt it? Yeeeeeah. Makes you wonder about those "jews", huh? Obviously any call for a reduction in number of dead for the so-called "Holocaust" would result in lessening of the feeling of white guilt, and might eventually lead to antipathy if the average IQ white person decided to look into the reason why the number had been so greatly exaggerated by the Jews. Six million Jews allegedly perished in German "death camps", yet the population figures before and after the war accumulated by the Jews themselves (World Jewish Congress) show a typical natural population growth trend.

Even though most Jews were allegedly eliminated by the Germans during the war, it's surprising how many "survivors" popped up to claim reparations and make false accusations against the "nazis."

And many Communists, who we all know were really Jews, were allowed to give false testimony or supply false depositions at that kangaroo court known as the "Nuremburg Trials."

Oh yeah, sorry for any spelling errors I may have made. I know some people are so dumbed-down, they have to resort to personal slander and poking fun at someones spelling, because they are unable to argue with reality in an effective manner.

And remember kiddies, dont deal with things on a basis of emotion. Instead, try to deal with things on a basis of truth, reality, and thought process. Some of you will no doubt try to spin this around on me, and make it a love/hate thing. Its not about emotion. Its not about hate. Its about truth, reality, history, time, science, and factual information and studies.

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