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returntothepit >> discuss >> Happy Hour Could Return to Massachusetts by happy poor drunk on Oct 26,2011 12:13pm
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toggletoggle post by happy poor drunk at Oct 26,2011 12:13pm
Happy Hour Could Return to Massachusetts

BOSTON -- Happy hours could be returning to the Bay State because of the casino gambling bill. State senators approved an amendment that could ease some of the restrictions on so-called “happy hours” in Massachusetts, if casinos do end up opening.

The amendment is sponsored by Senator Robert Hedlund (R-Weymouth) and it would make bars and restaurants subject to the same liquor licensing regulations that casinos are to adhere to in the future. If casinos are allowed to serve free drinks or have other alcohol promotions, other bars and restaurants would be able to as well.

“If we’re not going to ban free alcohol at casinos, then let’s let restaurants compete on an equal footing,” said Hedlund. But some senators, like casino opponent Patricia Jehlan (D-Medford) say more input is needed. “With no debate -- minimal debate -- no discussion, no process, no public input, we eliminated a liquor law,” said Jehlan.

The amendment was passed Tuesday after a separate amendment that would have barred casinos from serving free drinks was rejected by the Senate. State regulations currently prohibit restaurants in Massachusetts from serving free drinks to customers. The possible return of traditional “Happy Hours” is making some Massachusetts residents excited, but not everyone is toasting the prospects of drink deals.

“I just don’t know how anybody in good conscience could vote for this. They are on the wrong side of this issue,” said Ron Bersani, the driving force behind Melanie’s Law.

He created Melanie’s law after his 13-year-old granddaughter was killed by a drunk driver. He said he had no idea the senate was discussing bringing back drink promotions -- drink promotions were banned in 1984.

“To tell you the truth, I was stunned, because this came completely out of left field,” said Bersani. Even some restaurant owners said happy hour could spell trouble. “If you want happy hours, you’re looking for 2-for-1’s, things like that. I just think people are kind of on a mission to drink too much,” said Peter Colton of the Fours Restaurant in Boston.

But some patrons say they’re just on a mission to save money. “I think its good news. It’ll make me definitely more likely to go out to the bars,” said one woman. “Bring on the happy hour, you’re going to bring on more clientele, you’re going to bring more revenue to your city,” said Matthew Variell.

The Senate passed the amendment, but the house still needs to weigh in on it.

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toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Oct 26,2011 12:17pm
sweet. i support laws that allow me to get more drunker fasterer.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Oct 26,2011 12:18pm
Halpy hour at home is 24\7.

toggletoggle post by RustyPS should be working at Oct 26,2011 12:19pm
FuckIsMySignature said[orig][quote]
sweet. i support laws that allow me to get more drunker fasterer.
...and for less money

toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Oct 26,2011 12:20pm
yes. that too.

toggletoggle post by happy poor drunk at Oct 26,2011 12:21pm
Cheaper drinks, more deaths. Win-win.

toggletoggle post by AndrewBastard NLI at Oct 26,2011 12:22pm
i didnt know happy hour wasnt allowed in MA

toggletoggle post by RustyPS should be working at Oct 26,2011 12:26pm
If they open a casino at Suffolk Downs like they're speculating, I may just take the train down for the free drinks and to people watch on a regular basis

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Oct 26,2011 12:37pm
Just go to Coogan's downtown for $1 drafts all the time.

toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Oct 26,2011 12:44pm
Alx_Casket said[orig][quote]
Just go to Coogan's downtown for $1 drafts all the time.

that sounds dangerous. is this place close to the Garden per chance?

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Oct 26,2011 12:46pm

toggletoggle post by Alx_Casket  at Oct 26,2011 12:48pm
I am in favor of more lax drinking laws, especially if me and aril are going to open a metal bar.

toggletoggle post by Blessed_Offal at Oct 26,2011 2:26pm
AndrewBastard%20NLI said[orig][quote]
i didnt know happy hour wasnt allowed in MA


toggletoggle post by arktouros at Oct 26,2011 2:31pm
melanie's law doesn't solve any problems BUDDY.

toggletoggle post by Lamp  at Oct 26,2011 2:35pm
happy%20poor%20drunk said[orig][quote]
Cheaper drinks, more deaths. Win-win.

Not that I live in MA, but this.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Oct 26,2011 3:06pm
I've already started to count cards.

toggletoggle post by goatcatalyst   at Oct 26,2011 3:44pm
K-mart sucks

toggletoggle post by josh_hates_you  at Oct 26,2011 3:58pm
happy hour is awesome. i might actually have a reason to leave my house in the daytime again. this is the only thing i miss about myrtle beach, $5 pitchers of yuengling and $2 margaritas FTW.

toggletoggle post by RustyPS should be working at Oct 26,2011 3:59pm
josh_hates_you said[orig][quote]
happy hour is awesome. i might actually have a reason to leave my house in the daytime again. this is the only thing i miss about myrtle beach, $5 pitchers of yuengling and $2 margaritas FTW.


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