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returntothepit >> discuss >> 28.10 - RTTP fall vinyl week tonight at 9pm! by the_reverend on Nov 4,2024 9:36am
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Nov 4, 2024 radio show
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1. MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneylWarner Bros
3. Cirith UngolFinger Of ScornKing of the Deadenigma
4. hallow's eveHorrorshowTales of TerrorCombat Records
5. FastwayHold On To The NightTrick Or Treatcbs
6. AtrophyIn Their EyesViolent By NatureRoadracer Records
8. SacrificeHomocidal BreathTorment in FireMetal Blade Records
9. AnvilFire In The NightPound For PoundMetal Blade Records
10. ExciterInvasion/Waiting In The DarkUnveiling The WickedCombat Records
11. HiraxDemons Evil ForcesRaging ViolenceMetal Blade Records
13. Paradox700 Years OnHeresyroadracer
14. Nasty SavageFear Beyond The VisionNasty SavageMetal Blade Records
16. Mercyful FateSatan's FallMelissamegaforce
17. WarlockTouch Of EvilTriumph and Agonymercury
18. TankardAcid DeathZombie Attacknoise
19. DestructorMaximum DestructionMaximum DestructionAuburn Records
21. CandlemassUnder The OakTales of CreationMetal Blade Records
22. AxeGirls Girls GirlsNemesisatco
23. ExhorderDescratorVarious Artists: At Death's Doorracecar
24. Crimson GloryTranscendenceTranscendenceroadracer
26. SacrilegeSoul SearchTurn Back TrilobiteMetal Blade Records
27. AnnihilatorHuman InsecticideAlice in HellRoadracer Records
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32. LoudnessDanger Of LoveSoldier Of Fortuneatco
33. MaliceSqueeze It DryIn The Beginning...atlantic
34. Diamond HeadAm I EvilBorrowed Timemca
36. SuffocationSynthetically RevivedHuman WasteNuclear Blast Records
38. SlayerAngel of DeathReign in Bloodamerican
39. Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 4,2024 9:36am
That's right, all old school vinyl tonight on the big show. All old school vinyl!!!

toggletoggle post by demondave at Nov 4,2024 9:34pm
Vinyl week is always a festival
A little late for requests but.... anything off these albums would be cool

Crimson Glory - Transcendence
Destructor - Maximun Distruction
Midas Touch - Presage Of Disaster
Testament - The Legacy

Also, I have no idea what Racer X sounds like. So maybe give them a shot

toggletoggle post by demondave at Nov 4,2024 9:41pm
That Anvil track was better than it had any right to be. I never pay them enough attention

toggletoggle post by demondave at Nov 4,2024 10:36pm
This show is awesome. Anvil, Hirax, Warlock, Tankard... You are playing a lot of tracks that are reminding me how good bands are

toggletoggle post by demondave at Nov 4,2024 10:54pm
Holy shit. Axe is a band whose cover I have come across over the years. I don't know what I thought they would sound like but...... this was not it. Damn, that's something. Totally worth playing

toggletoggle post by demondave at Nov 4,2024 10:56pm
Let me add to that. I'm sure I have heard Axe before, but definitely not that song

toggletoggle post by demondave at Nov 4,2024 11:29pm
Anything off of the 1st album Legacy was what I was requesting, not the song they wrote later. So what you did was perfect.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 5,2024 10:45am
You nailed it on the Anvil comment. I was really surprised at how good it was. They are such great guys, but their music is always just ok. That song was great.

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