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   le Reporte - the_reverend

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Profile Views: 511181
Joined: Dec 4, 2001
Last Updated: Mar 13, 2019
Total Posts: 118298
Last Post: Feb 10, 2025
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Personal Links
Digital Product Review a place to look at digital camera review things. (21348)
Deviant Art these are non-metal pictures. (15078)
Slick Deals this is a place that I find an new daily deal on just about anything. (14574)
UNH Webmail my web-mail for UNH (18782) the site of pictures for the little girl I babysite. (15594) my old college dorm (17645)
Ebola Records a dumb idea record label I started in 1997 or 98. (14141)
91.3FM WUNH the radio station I work at (26253)
Aaron's Portfolio my portfolio online (13549)
RTTP on Myspace just a place to put up more dumb things (14955)
My Lastfm page (10940)
Cyber Nations my own country (12033)
Facebook - Personal (14143)
Facebook - RTTP (13886)
Buzznet for RTTP (11723)

What the_reverend does
my other sites
non-metal pictures
ebola records
I do not check it ever.
email me
the_reverend's latest iBitch (pop out)
Subject: New Monitor
Posted on Nov 21,2006 9:58pm views 207019
succubus scored me a 24" Dell 2407wpf monitor. I'm going to large and in charge with a 1900x1200 display. horray!
Dec 15,2005 3:24pm Gold Teeff
Dec 6,2005 10:38am just testing this
the_reverend's Current Playlist (pop out)
more playlists

User Comments
New:: post by Farten_Dust at Nov 8,2012 7:35pm
Subject: how do i edit..
trying to change from $500 to $ the title for my bass.

New:: post by My_Dying_Bride at Aug 22,2012 9:26pm
Subject: re: peruns shore
1. Deluge
2. Earth to Ash
3. Branches
4. Daedalus Architect
5. Caves

New:: post by Yeti at Mar 2,2012 8:20am
Subject: penis
i do not have one.

New:: post by Randy_Marsh at Sep 3,2011 3:26am
so...why were you driving to the gay area of maine then?

New:: post by mike9154 at Feb 28,2011 10:17am
Subject: show
hey man theres a show saturday march 5th at the acacia club in dracut mass a few bands are playing dry heave, powerwolves, stars fell on, risk, down and out. theres more i think itd be sweet if you could come out and take pictures.

New:: post by alexc at May 3,2010 9:12pm
Subject: yooo
hey man!

not sure if the last message i sent got to you but could you send the following pictures to me in hi res at

New:: post by FuckIsMySignature at Jun 4,2009 11:22am
Subject: question
hey rev how do i update my band contacts in my profile. i'm no longer in Broken Cross and i'm playin Bass for Scaphism now.

New:: post by ryanmaxwell at Jan 24,2009 12:52pm
hey man! i just got your msg on the looking for alaska myspace and just incase you come here first instead of the myspace here's what i said. the show im pretty sure starts at 530. we go on 3rd. our record label owner is puttin on the show, so im sure if you show up and tell him your the owner of rttp. com he'll let you right in, hes a real cool guy. but yeah we're expected over 200 people tonight and we're kinda the odd guys out on the bill, but thats awesome that youll be comming tonight. if you need to get in touch with our promoter just hit up our record labels website, aka first on our top 8. we really hope to see you tonight! thanks!

New:: post by tramplethweak at Oct 3,2008 10:31am
Subject: i meant sunday
the show's sunday and starts at noon idk why i said saturday

New:: post by pam at Aug 21,2008 8:36pm
hey! hey!

shut up.

New:: post by TheAccursedVokillist at Aug 19,2008 6:58pm
Subject: just bought a wii fit
you have one?

New:: post by ouchdrummer at Aug 13,2008 3:42pm
Subject: uploading pictures
Hey man, sorry to bother ya, but i wanted to know if there is a way to upload a pic from my hard drive as opposed to just posting a link to it. I am sure their probably is i just dont know how to do it. Thanks man. Take care.

New:: post by mOe at Jun 17,2008 1:55pm
Subject: saturday night
Hey rev
What are you doing Saturday night? It'd be awesome if you could come out and shoot my indie band's cd release. Its at a nice club with good sound and awesome opening bands. We might be able to throw some cash your way as well for your troubles.

New:: post by Conservationist at May 28,2008 12:19pm
Subject: i accidentally sodomized christ
but he was so soft
and warm
and yielding

New:: post by KARNIVEAN at Apr 22,2008 2:50pm
Subject: 5/10/08
show at accu in new bedford it starts fairly early wich really sucks but you should come down and enjoy the brutality! take care man.

New:: post by EatMyFuck at Sep 27,2007 9:31pm
Subject: heyy
Im back lol

New:: post by delmuerte at Sep 5,2007 12:40am
Haha, touche'.

New:: post by kdl at Sep 3,2007 9:35pm
Subject: malvolent creation oct 8th
I need some bands for oct 8th with malvolent creation.

New:: post by aeonminded at Aug 20,2007 9:25pm
Thanks bro.

New:: post by Anthony at Aug 2,2007 10:24pm
Subject: embed videos
how do you do this?

New:: post by fishcakes at Jul 21,2007 4:38pm
Subject: aug 3rd
can you change the thread tittle from the 10th to the 3rd please?

New:: post by the_reverend at Jun 12,2007 3:09am
Subject: sdf

New:: post by sxealex at Apr 6,2007 1:31am
Subject: who made u so popular
actin like u own the place.... pfff

New:: post by JDDomination at Mar 23,2007 1:04pm
Subject: hey rev quick question
when I look on the list of bands, most of them are in blue but there are 4 bands that are in red, including mine Dominatus, just wondering if there is any reasoning behind it, or is it just my computer?

New:: post by SinisterMinister at Jan 30,2007 3:13pm
Subject: I am retarded.
I put the wrong date for a show on the title of a thread. Says 02/03... Should be 02/07, and I don't know how to change it. Luckily I still have my hockey helmet on in case I hurt myself. Please help.

New:: post by jinx666=^_^= at Jan 25,2007 7:05pm
Subject: shit
the dude next to me is on the web lookin at pics of shit...

Old:: post by xanonymousx at Jan 9,2007 1:27am
Subject: hey
a earlier this week i asked people on the myspace if they wanted to hear new music they would have to post a picture of themselves with cmtaib written somewhere on them
this is what i got

im telling you this 'band' will be bigger than metallica when they were good...


New:: post by Tom_V at Dec 3,2006 5:54pm
Subject: Hey Reverend
Hey, how are you doing Rev? I don't think you know me, but we have talkedc briefly several times. Let me say that I enjoy your website a lot, although I never really post anything (more just read). Now that I am getting into webmastering myself, I can fully appreciate the amount of work it takes to program and runa site!

I am starting my own website, . It is dedicated to helping the working musicians out there who are trying to be successful in the music industry. Not just geared towards metal, I feel that my site would be able to gain something from your site. Perhaps I could contribute something as well.

I was wondering if you would be willing to put up a link to the site. Perhaps I could reciprocate. I believe I already contacted you, but I have since completely redone my site. If you have the time, let me know what you like and/or dislike about RockBlock.

Thanks again,
Let me know,

Tom V

New:: post by everpessimistnow at Dec 3,2006 4:56pm
Subject: male strippers
good to see ya last night maggot

hahaha, stay metal (as if you've got a choice)

Old:: post by BlackMetalLady at Oct 31,2006 11:15am
I like the way the new page looks! Keepin the real news on the homepage is much better... a breath of fresh air!

Old:: post by BlackMetalLady at Oct 17,2006 11:59am
some people can broadcast live out of the studio. That's why I asked.

Old:: post by BlackMetalLady at Oct 14,2006 7:20pm
Hey Rev, I have you and Carina on the guest list for this show (and Scott from Zircon). I would like to meet your girl... hope you can come. Guns and Roses is playing the same night, just down the street. Different audience, but non the less I' have have 2000 flyers made up for DOS to hand out to people as they walk into the G&R show... concert gets out at 10:30 and Goatwhore goes on a little after 11, so the crowd should be really packed.

Old:: post by JENNA at Oct 6,2006 2:34am
Subject: SOUL-SICK
i work for born wrong records in n.y., we're a new label & we just released SOUL-SICK'S debut cd. i really think they kick ass & i'm hopin you could check them out..
holla back.

Old:: post by Anti-Racism at Oct 2,2006 1:01pm
Subject: Whitty
Dear Sir,

The word is spelled "witty." Please fix at earliest opportunity.

I love the radio show. You play great anti-Racist bands like all that emo, metalcore and Kreator.

I hope your efforts to get Clinton re-elected result in a fascist revolution in America, so we can all see firsthand the horrors (the horror, the horror) of racism, sexism, homophobia and big red flags.


Old:: post by NippleViolater at Oct 2,2006 10:38am
Subject: Thanks for the PICS!
the_network. layout looks fucking awesome and your pictures really step it up a notch. Thanks dude!!

Old:: post by fishcakes at Sep 25,2006 3:26pm
comming to see embalmer?

Old:: post by Farten_Dust at Sep 17,2006 10:53am
Subject: Pics?
let's see some wedding pics yo!!!!

Old:: post by Reconformity68 at Jul 31,2006 2:09pm
Subject: wutsup brad
dude u r the fuckin man

Old:: post by RichHorror at Jul 20,2006 10:03am
Subject: NEDAGF
Are you bringing the lovely Mrs. RTTP to the fest, or have you not figured out how to reanimate dead tissue yet?

Old:: post by fishcakes at Jun 22,2006 10:00pm
Subject: july 1st show
can you take hekseri of and put hachet on it please? I don't know how to change it,thanx bro..

Old:: post by SACAPAPADOO at Jun 5,2006 5:34pm
Subject: yes please
valasyrka live on unh? get back to me

Old:: post by fishcakes at May 25,2006 1:32am
are you going to vital remains sunday? if so I will have a cd for you

Old:: post by HailTheLeaf at Mar 22,2006 1:48pm
Subject: band page
Hey Aaron, our band page is still under Pinion...and we can't add any shows..and there are 2 old shows displayed that weren't ours....arghhh!


Old:: post by Messerschmitt at Feb 10,2006 10:03am
can you give me the link to that avatar thread? i searched it but nothing came up? thanks niggs

Old:: post by fishcakes at Feb 10,2006 3:06am
Subject: shows
will you be attending any of the upcoming goreality shows? and would you like to?

Old:: post by Reconformity68 at Jan 30,2006 12:12pm
How does Deconformity make a band page?

Old:: post by deconformity69 at Nov 8,2005 9:59pm
Subject: Bass guitarist
I am looking for someone who can shred metal on the bass or even a bassist/siger would be me

Old:: post by succubus at Jul 25,2005 7:54pm
Subject: or..
a dc in 3v plug

please help


Old:: post by Coldnorthernvengeance at Jun 20,2005 9:25am
Subject: Martyrvore on UNH
Hey Rev... we were wondering if this is possible sometime?

Old:: post by FireGod at Jun 19,2005 3:54pm
Subject: Need metal heads to talk to.
Anyone out there wanting a hardcore 13 year old metal head to talk to...? Caht with me on AIM the screen name is ThePastYears

Old:: post by ArmageddAnne at Apr 26,2005 9:29pm
Subject: pictures
Aaron, did you send me the pictures yet?

Old:: post by swamplorddvm at Apr 6,2005 1:51pm
Just felt I should ask. Would you mind if I posted afew pics from the Kreator show on my gay-ass livejournal?

Old:: post by DreamingInExile at Mar 30,2005 11:04pm
Subject: Current Playlist Bug
the playlist dosen't work properly. I input mine, and it shows up on everyones page.

Old:: post by __THeMoor__ at Mar 30,2005 1:14pm
i love you.

Old:: post by succubus at Mar 21,2005 7:26pm
Subject: ok
ok but only if i got first..then when you get buried in my b00b

Old:: post by seattlemetal at Jan 26,2005 12:58pm
Hey reverend, do you know God? Shit, I thought he died!

Old:: post by succubus at Dec 15,2004 12:33pm
Subject: <3

Old:: post by GOD at Dec 15,2004 12:29pm
Subject: hello my son
do you believe?

Old:: post by adia at Oct 7,2004 1:33pm
Subject: say...hi
thanx 4 having this kewl siite,
n-joy ur pix too
c ya

Old:: post by Radical_Dirt_Biker at Sep 26,2004 6:39pm
Subject: hi
wanna go jump dirt bikes at the Razer with me?

Old:: post by Abbath at Aug 23,2004 2:00am
touch me too! but me first i hate sloppy seconds

Old:: post by Blue at Aug 9,2004 12:43am
Subject: you
touch me.

Old:: post by succubus at Aug 6,2004 8:44am
Subject: Anolon is that the brand?
of thhe cookware stuff you used to have?
it's on slickdeals 127.97
you think we need it?
reg. $435
i want some other things off their too

what do you think?

Old:: post by succubus at Jun 29,2004 8:48pm
Subject: test again
old vs new

Old:: post by Otto/Wormdr1v3 at Jun 3,2004 2:00pm
Subject: my pic
heym thanks for fixing my pic, it's cool, i love seeign the veins in my neck and face. It look slike i'm gonna pop.,

Old:: post by Abbath at Jun 1,2004 12:26pm
Subject: yo
we gotta pimp this out more, so here i am pimping it

Old:: post by milo at May 11,2004 3:44pm
Subject: Your website rules

Old:: post by silky at Apr 24,2004 6:24pm
Subject: what the hell is going on around here, anyway?

Old:: post by RustedAngel at Apr 24,2004 1:11pm
Subject: peepee toucher.
i'll let you know when I break it :P

Old:: post by succubus at Apr 23,2004 12:39am
Subject: woooooo
this is cool =)

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